First constitution of Corsica 

(6-8 January 1735 – consult in the convent of Orezza)


Three Primati di U Regnu;
A 12 members junta, Ghjunta di I Dodeci, with the leading Primati, is the  Supreme Authority of the Nazione;
      · An War Office, Uffiziu di a Guerra, 6 members, four Generals lieutnants chosen the Avril 18th,  1734, with ANGHJULU LUIGGI LUCCIONI, from Pedicorti, and TOMASU SANTUCCI, from Alisgiani, is leader in military matters;
      · A Wealth Office, Uffiziu di Abbundanza, managed the supply of the people;
      · The Communes Father Office, Uffiziu di i Padri di U Cumunu, 6 members, is in charge of solve and judge every contest regarding collective goods;
      ·  At the head of each province, a chief, Capu è Commandante, judge every case that doesn't belong to the Supreme Court, A Ghjunta Suprema;
      ·  The election and appointment of Secretary of State and Lord Chancellor (or Attorney General) , Secretariu di Statu è Guardiasugelli;
      ·  The appointment of Defense forces chief of staff, Capitanu Generale di i Armi and, at the head of each province, of a General lieutnant, Tenente Generale ;
      ·  The creation of a Mint Office, Uffiziu di A Muneta, with all prerogatives;
      ·  The abolition of all the laws ans statutes founded by Genoa;
      ·  The independence of the Uffizie and of their decisions, that could be challenged only by la Ghjunta Suprema;
      ·  The election of a consultant, Auditore Generale, at the Ghjunta Suprema;
      ·  The appointment of officers des milices;
      ·  The appointment des chanceliers des Uffizie;
      ·  The pricing of the Uffizie, to respect under death penalty.
Eventually the Cunsulta chose the white flag, with the image of the Immaculate Conception in.

30 et 31 January: Cunsulta di Corti: 7 articles were added to 15 others voted during the Cunsulta di Orezza:
      ·  The first proclaimed the Immaculata Cuncezzione di Maria Virgine, patron saint and defender of the Realm, and her effigy, the Nazione emblem.
      ·  The following stated the Ghjunta Suprema will isuue a new code, Codice, that will be published in the next fortnight, of whom laws will be submitted the whole people of the Realm.
      ·  The Dio vi Salvi Regina is passed as the national anthem (see 1730).

Others articles do not change anything, neither in the spirit nor literally, in the fundamental text of the Cunsulta di Orezza.